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August 17, 2021

here are dozens of recommendations and guides on how to recruit for your company correctly. Despite this, some still have trouble finding talented people to join their team. Why does it happen? In every industry and field, there are some problems to keep in mind. Next, you will learn about the five main difficulties you may encounter when you hire React developer for automotive.

What obstacles prevent companies from finding a React developer for automotive?

React is currently ranked in the top 3 technologies for website and app developers around the world. At this stage, it has over 170,000 stars on GitHub. According to the same site, React is used by over 7,000,000 professionals. Nevertheless, it does not make recruiting a great professional any more accessible, and there are five reasons for that.

Challenge #1 The long process of finding and hiring

Sometimes it seems that the difficulty with a new hire begins at the tech skills testing stage. In fact, before reaching this stage, a professional in the 21st century has to pass a series of other tests. Earlier, to hire React developer for automotive, it was possible to take an easy path of 3-4 steps.

Now the hiring chain has become much longer. The reason for this is the cost of making a mistake. Technology has become more complex these days, and product costs in the automotive industry have increased. Because of this, companies can't take risks. They only employ the perfect person for the position, taking into account niche experience, React knowledge, and related tools.  If you suddenly make a bad decision and pick the wrong candidate, the losses can be tremendous.

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Now, React is used by many major players in the market, not only in the automotive industry. In addition to giants like Tesla and Uber, Facebook (the creator of this tool), Skype, Airbnb, Coursera, and many others are actively using this solution. It is hard to imagine how much it will cost these guys to make some mistakes by experts.

Even if you don't have 10,000 people working for you, the chain to hire React developer for automotive looks something like this:

  • a detailed review of all CVs;
  • pre-screening and pre-testing of the applicant;
  • more sophisticated technical test;
  • soft skills scanning (communication skills, agility, resourcefulness, openness, cooperation with other team members)
  • an interview with a team leader or IT head;
  • verification of niche experience and knowledge of specific technologies;
  • the final interview, discussion of the test period, and salary.

Depending on the responsibility, the number of tests and interviews can be as many as 7-10. That challenging interview chain filters out unsuitable candidates or those who have never done specific tasks for the automotive industry. 

How to solve: One of the best ways to test hard and soft skills is a test period. Even in a week, you can see if your React developer will really be the best investment in the business, or if you'd be better off finding someone more appropriate. Here you cannot make the wrong choice. Otherwise, you will have to repeat the chain repeatedly until you get the result. It means time, energy, and money that you could have spent on product development.

You could use the services of a recruiting agency, but that's not an option either. In our article, we discussed in more detail the possibilities for expanding your team through experts with niche experience, looking at the pros and cons of each cooperation model.

Challenge #2 Few developers with solid development backgrounds

There is a lot of information about development, different frameworks, programming languages, software, etc., in the public domain. Also, every year there are many paid and free courses where a person can learn the basics of coding. One problem – this knowledge is often not enough to implement great products.

No one is saying that self-education is terrible. Only without a solid foundation, few people can become great experts based solely on practical experience. For some projects, even such pros will be excellent. When the budget is limited, or they have to do simple tasks. For all other cases, someone with a bachelor's or master's degree should be a priority.

How to solve: The chances that a person with a specialized technical education will perfectly perform the assigned tasks are incredibly high. Nevertheless, the chances that the same will be true of a self-taught person are highly slim. Despite the resume of the applicant, be sure to clarify the details concerning the education. Now it is more and more challenging to hire React developer for automotive with solid backgrounds.

Challenge #3 Shortage of programmers with niche experience

Along with the fact that you have to go through complicated 5-7 stages of candidate selection for the developer position, there is another big problem. At the moment, there is a massive shortage of specialists with niche experience in the automotive industry.

There is a vast gap between the number of IT professionals graduating and the number of experts that companies need in the whole sector. Now let's divide the number of specialists between front-end and back-end and split these categories into existing technologies. 

Even without statistics and detailed analysis, it is clear that the pool of programmers for React is much lower compared to the market's demand. What is worse for many firms is that the amount of professionals with niche knowledge is even poorer. You will be fortunate to hire React developer for automotive with the right skill set.

Moreover, the problem with the shortage of talent is not just about development. Automotive technology has become more complex, cars have become more sophisticated, and even mechanics interact with innovative tools. It is not enough to be just a developer, repair vehicles, or work in a factory in this industry. Everything has been taken to a new level.

How to solve: Work with those who can help find niche-experienced devs or already have such experts on board. Your party, in this case, can be a recruiting agency, outstaffing, or outsourcing company. Less often, coders with experience in the automotive niche can be found on freelance sites or by recommendation.

Challenge #4 Using outdated technologies

Another common problem, not only for the automotive field but also for other sectors, is that not everyone follows trends. Some companies are concerned about employee development, so programmers take regular courses. Other firms leave further improvement to the specialist's care. Not always, but quite often, because of the workload, such people do not have enough motivation to strengthen their skills.

This issue leads to the fact that the professional does not have time to follow tendencies and stays behind the current situation on the market. As for the front-end, technologies and tools improve too quickly. Here it is crucial to constantly update the knowledge base, research new solutions and development trends. If you don't do this, you won't be able to make your product competitive enough.

How to solve: Give preference to candidates whose companies have motivated them to take courses, learn new tools and programming languages. When coders regularly improve their skills, they don't lose the skill to soak up further information and retain their thirst for knowledge. That is why, before you hire React developer for automotive, find out about their additional education. Training will help the specialist not only to use the suitable technologies, but also to become a mentor for others in the future.

Challenge #5 Experts have no curiosity and transparency

Perhaps for some firms, the poor self-management of some programmers is a much more critical challenge. However, you can fight lousy employee organization skills. The easiest way is to use time trackers and set tasks with clear deadlines. But if a specialist does not ask questions and does not share their own opinion, you cannot stimulate this in any way.

In the automotive or any other industry, the developer needs to take a deep dive. It will allow the expert to understand what must be implemented faster and realize the new code elements better. At the same time, open communication with the management, no fear in discussing some decisions and further project evolution, will avoid ineffective choices.

How to solve: During the first interview, pay attention to how often the developer asks questions about the project, whether he or she is interested in the details and whether they are active. If you don't hear a single question asked while talking, the person probably won't show any curiosity in the future, either.

Trustworthy partner means trustworthy business

Don't want to face the listed challenges, but want to extend your team with niche-experienced React devs? TFC can help you with this task because we already have experts on board for this industry. Our team has helped some companies not to worry about employees and focus on more important business needs.

Together with TFC, you get:

  • a qualified specialist or skilled team, familiar with the automotive industry;
  • programmers with the excellent technical background;
  • professionals who are interested in industry news and have an undying interest in their work;
  • people with excellent communication skills and time management.

You don't have to interview a hundred talented professionals and waste your time. We've done all the work for you! At The Frontend Company, you can hire React developer for automotive or programmers working with other technologies.

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