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April 11, 2022
AngularJS to Angular

eople often get the AngularJS and Angular frameworks wrong. So, there are discussions about the death of Angular.js in the internet space or the near demise of Angular occasionally. Non-technically savvy folks literally get their brains boiling when they try to make sense of this issue. That's why The Frontend Company team always helps blog readers to clarify such misunderstandings.

After announcing that Angular 1 will soon disappear, there are no more puzzles about Google frameworks. Nevertheless, people have other, no less worrying, inquiries popping up here and there. Today, our crew wants to dispel a myth code-named «Is Angular dying because of React?».

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Why does everyone care about whether is Angular dying because of React?

The confrontation between the two technologies began several years ago when programmers learned ReactJS and praised its capabilities. Most coders liked that React had a less complex learning curve and a not-so-strict structure. It gave them more freedom in thinking about the architecture of web projects. Not surprisingly, this library began to attract lots of attention.

Another thing adding fuel to the fire is the rivalry of Angular vs. ReactJS. In accordance with Statista, the Meta Platforms (ex-Facebook) child is currently the market leader among web frameworks. Based on the report of the German company, over 40% of developers prefer React. In this case, Angular is only in the fourth position. This technology, judging by statistics, is used by almost 23% of programmers.

Is Angular dying because of React?
Is Angular dying because of React?

Still, this is not the only cause why the question «Is Angular dying because of React?» is increasingly being heard in the professional environment.

Other factors that have led to this issue also include the following:

  • ReactJS query positions in Google Trends are far ahead of the same query for Angular;
  • more and more well-known companies use the technology from Meta (Netflix, Facebook, Instagram, Udemy, Amazon, etc.);
  • the ReactJS library has a massive number of users and a large community; it has 182,000 stars on GitHub.

Even if it looks like Angular is dying because of React, it's not. To be sure of this, we did a mini-study.

A small research and statistics on the subject

The community of programmers, search engine queries, and the number of new job positions are only part of the whole picture. We did a little experiment with the help of the website

When searching for Angular Developer positions, we found about 6,5 thousand job ads. At the same time, when searching for ReactJS Developer, we were able to find about 7,4 thousand ads. We did not qualify the job openings by experience or salary, so our experiment contains rough numbers. Even considering this, the gap is not that big.

What else influences the view that Angular is not dying because of ReactJS? The opinion of the front-end developers. We collected the thoughts of The Frontend Company programmers and other specialists, which we share below.

Alex V., Angular developer, 6 yrs of experience:

«The demand for these two technologies is still high. Businesses just use Angular and React for different types of projects. So, presently, there is no suggestion that Angular will cease to exist».

Stephen M., front-end developer, 10 yrs of experience:

«I happen to work with both of these technologies. What can I say? React is certainly rewarding and has many merits. However, some coders have hyped it to the heavens. Speaking for myself: I prefer React for simpler web projects when there are no architectural patterns, and I have freedom. For advanced, complex, and multi-level web projects, though, I'm always on the side of Angular. Less chance of fatal mistakes».

Andriy P., React developer, 4 yrs of experience:

«In my opinion, React.js is not as easy technology as some people think. Understanding the features and philosophy of the library requires learning JavaScript first. It takes time, but without understanding JS, there is no point in learning React.js at all. 

When it comes to whether is Angular dying because of React.js, my opinion is no. The proportion of technology use or the size of the community is not always the deciding factor. It's just an advantage for solving problems, sharing information, etc. Angular has a complete ecosystem that you can use in your work and not have to rely on third-party tools».

Final Word: Is Angular dying under the pressure of React?

Despite the figures in various surveys and reports, many programmers are not convinced that Angular 2+ will disappear due to Meta development. The Frontend Company team also tends to believe that the difference in numbers has more to do with the difficulty of learning the framework than with the actual demand for Angular devs and their work.

Google's technology has serious support from the community and a team of great programmers, large enterprises, and organizations. Even if the framework is losing ground to other solutions at this stage, it does not mean that is Angular dying because of ReactJS, Vue, or other solutions. You can boldly use Angular 2+ for migration, creating a new web application, SaaS, or other product.

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